Monday, January 31, 2011

Hi There, Its Me Again!

OOOOOOOOOOOoooohhhhh Noooooo, I've broken my own rules about posting.  Its been almost 2 months since I've put anything on here.  The reasons are as follows:
Hubby Hubster came home safely!!!
School finished for the semester
Moving/Packing Stress

So since I have no new outfit posts, I made a set on and I am posting it here for those of you who read this.  All the items in the outfits are under 50 bucks, although some of them are from UK sites.

Casual Style

Casual Style by kippi6904

I'm going to try very hard from now on to get pictures of the outfits I wear when I do get my butt up and go somewhere besides the gym.  

Goodnight for now, World!! 